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為臺(tái)灣竹縣垃圾找出路 4/11 焚化爐公聽會(huì)傾聽人民心聲

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-04-08 11:57:05

To solve waste problems and handle BOO investment in high-efficiency waste incineration facilities, the Government of Hsinchu County, Taiwan, has postponed the public hearing scheduled for 25 March till 11 April due to the epidemic. According to the Bureau of Environmental Protection Hsinchu, to solve Hsinchu's waste problems, the government will promote investment in the mode of BOO (Build-Own-Operate), and is expected to use waste incineration facilities with low environmental impact, high energy conversion efficiency, as well as features such as waste disposal and resources recycling.

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